Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mountain Visions (a short experiment)

Click on the image to view a QuickTime movie in a 1280 x 720 window size.

For more than 3 decades we (Mountain Visions) have been creating multimedia sequences, often using still images and music. Now, for 12 years since 1995 we have been creating multimedia for web sites.

This short 720p sequence is an experimental project I started to work with in an attempt to create a "trailer" for It is not finished yet, but I decided to upload it to see how it looks. The images are 1. Total Solar Eclipse, 2. Climbers on Denali, and 3. Woman holding the Sun. I shot all of the images originally in the 1970s. Photo to Movie was used to create the motion and dissolves. iMovieHD was used to create the titles and to add the music track.

Eric Sandmeyer has gratiously allowed me to use a sound file titled "Microscope" he has composed.

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